Han River Eco City

The Han River Eco City is a masterplan for an 800-acre site in the Hubei province of China.

This fast growing manufacturing region is in immediate need of housing for 100,000 new residents. Our project creates a growth strategy for the new neighborhood with a robust network of public spaces that are performative to the environmental challenges of the river valley. A series of nodes of bio-diversity are stitched together into a system of parks, promenades, trails and multi- modal streets. The waterfront is an urban park with a necklace of open spaces, including floating pools,
sports fields and manufactured wetlands that are both cleaning stormwater and mitigating seasonal flooding. A system of landbridges span an existing eight-lane highway to create seamless pedestrian transitions between the neighborhoods of the project. Two new lakes serve as stormwater reservoirs and hotspots for biodiversity, forming a series of environmental anchors for density to cluster around.
Role: Principal at Jerde